Wednesday, January 16, 2008

pear up.

My most fulfilling shopping is visiting (any) Art Store and visiting farmers' Market downtown. I don't get the same kick out of visiting star markets. This weekend we visited both these places in one go and shopped till we both dropped. Came home with dozens of bags and I am painting ever since. These are pears from farmers' market.

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact


sandy said...

I love the style you did this in.

What are star markets? I assume you live in India.

These pears are beautiful.


allie aller said...

Wonderful pears!

I linked to you over on my blog...thanks for letting me post the pictures. Do I LOVE those tomatoes!

Possibilities, Etc. said...

Your work is truly beautiful - I have thanked Allie for providing the link - I'll look at it daily.

indiaartist said...

Thank you Sandy.
Thanks Allison, my new friend.
Judy, stop by everyday, you are most welcome. Thanks.