Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lemon in eggplant bowl

I love this color combination and I got it. Thanks for looking

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact

Polka Dots Cup

Sorry, yesterday I was just outright lazy to take a snap so I didn't post. This is for yesterday.

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Paper Boats Still Life

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact

I am painting variety of objects. I don't have any style as yet hence it is easy for me to venture out of 'comfort zone'. It is fun and it is learning too, though my learning process may look very slow ;). Here is the new painting. I still have problem with taking good picture of paintings with dominat blue color. It doesn't come out half as good as original. But here it is anyway.Thanks for looking.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Paper Boats

This one is fresh on easel. It is for my nephew, Malhar, who seems to visit my blog from India. My figuratve must be too much for him ;) . Hope you like this Malhar.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


This is another I did last summer.

AVAILABLE $100, Ready to frame,contact

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lemon shadows

This one was tough. I felt very happy after I could get the shadow on the kettle right. I use this small kettle to keep my cooking oil. It is easy to pour and easy to refill. Thanks for looking.

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact

Friday, January 25, 2008

Golden Apples

I got beautiful shadows with these apples. Currently I am thinking of many subjects for my big paintings and feel like starting many projects at a time but I know that it is not a good idea. So I will finish the one on the easel first and then the second in that series which I have already composed in my mind. I need to speed up if I have to keep with my list. Thanks for looking.

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact

Still on easel

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Three Friends

This is another painting from last summer, smaller piece. I am still working on my large painting and will post it tomorrow whether I finish it or not. Thanks.

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to frame,contact

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Dandelion in a glass

Ya, dandelion again and from last summer, again. I am painting but want to post the new once in a bunch. Thanks for the kind words. Your comments are valuable to me. Have a great day.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Last two days my daughter was home and I couldn't do much work.( Though I did start one big painting.) She is a busy toddler and she rules here. I know it is cheating but I am posting the one which I did last summer. In this very small painting 6"x4" of dandelion bud, I see full drama as it starts to open up to see the whole new world. It is framed and hanging on the wall.

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to frame,contact

Fresh photo

On this cold morning I spotted one beautiful dear in my backyard when I made my first cup of morning tea and was about to sip it when I looked out...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Primal Attraction

I am paying attention to get values right in my paintings and it is fun. When I put a dab of paint on canvas I am thinking how it will look in black and white and take care it doesn't look flat. More dog paintings coming, I am not yet done with that but in the meanwhile, here is a filler. Good for Valentine's Day fever,don't you think?

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact

Friday, January 18, 2008


Allison Aller is a quilter from the State of Washington. She makes contemporary Crazy quilts using silken cloths, beads, lace, ribbons and trims. She is planning a garden theme quilt and wanted to use images of my still life fruits in her quilt. I am so glad to let her use my images and can’t wait to see the final work. To enter her colorful, beautiful and enchanting quilt world visit or her blog at

Dog 3

This is on board not on streched canvas, also bigger. I sort of envy this fellow. Thanks for looking.

AVAILABLE $100, Ready to frame,contact

Dog 2

This is bigger than my usual. He is a sort of cute and looks curious to me.

AVAILABLE $100, Ready to frame,contact

Dog 1

I have not painted dogs before hence plan to do a series of 6 paintings on dogs. I think I am getting better. My imagination has left me for last few days, hence the dumb title.

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact

My Valentine

Yes another pair of pears, don't yet have enough of them.

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

pear up.

My most fulfilling shopping is visiting (any) Art Store and visiting farmers' Market downtown. I don't get the same kick out of visiting star markets. This weekend we visited both these places in one go and shopped till we both dropped. Came home with dozens of bags and I am painting ever since. These are pears from farmers' market.

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact

Monday, January 14, 2008


Just when I was thinking that the snow is all gone and I can see the green lawn in my backyard, it has showed again here today. I am not much of a snow lover,though I love watching snow when it has just started falling from a big bay window we have here. That is my favourite place to sit. Snow is beautiful but not practical, think of all those homeless people out there and you'll agree. Snow and snowscape. Thanks.

AVAILABLE to frame,contact $70, Ready

Sunday, January 13, 2008

January Work

A snow bird and a sea bird? I love to watch birds, but they are difficult to paint. Still it was tempting to paint thses ones. Hope you enjoy them.Thanks.

Both Available $70 each, ready to hang, contact

Friday, January 11, 2008

my January work

I worked on these three color schemes and I think it's fun to see them together. The apples are inspiration from daily blog of other artist.

1. As green as it gets
2. Gossiping
3. Count us- (Bananas SOLD )

No 1. and 2. AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Lonely pomegranade

It is difficult to say what I really liked and what I didn't about this painting but I have mixed feelings about it. It was there in the fruit basket for a long time before I painted it. Thanks.

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Fish

I have done this last summer but decided to post it now. Right now I am thinking of a lot of subjects, lot of compositions I want to do but I actually end up making one or two each day. That too because my standard canvas size is 6x8 and 8x10. I wonder how much other artist are able to accomplish in a day. I know there must be a lot of variations but it would be interesting to know.

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mashrooms on blue foil

This is another of my favorite. I had fun painting this. The picture I have posted doesn't do any justice with it. I had a good painting day yesterday but will post those things some other day.

AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact

Monday, January 7, 2008



I really enjoyed painting this from a photograph. It is bigger than my usual, it's 8x10. I am happy with the painting for a change. Thanks.Have a good day.

AVAILABLE $110, Ready to hang,contact

Sunday, January 6, 2008

My digital art

I made this digital drawing a few days back and had forgotten about it. I thought I'll post this one as well as my ink-pen drawings and other creative stuff on this blog. I like fabric as much as like oil colors, pens and pencils. Anything created by human hands is beautiful for me and I value it. So you will see differnt unrelated projects on this blog. Hope you like it.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Rainbow Kingfisher

I think I have made a good start for the new year by concentrating on painting more than ever but I have not yet aquired the art of taking perfect photographs and hence don't feel like posting them on blog. I hope to be better at that this year. My love of painting started as a love of sketching and making doodles. However I don't make drawings too often. This year I want to spend more time doing that. I must sharpen my tools. No good painting without a good drawing.

Hope you like this rainbow kingfisher. Thanks.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Pears on a blue plate

This is one of my old paintings I want to share with you. Thank you.
AVAILABLE $70, Ready to hang,contact

Tuesday, January 1, 2008